Nuestros artículos imprescindibles

09 enero 2022

Global polluting fuel and technology use for low and middle-income countries


The map that we show is conclusive and shows which are the regions of the world in which there is the greatest need to change current systems to produce heat:  Sub-Saharan Africa and some countries in South Asia.  
These countries are having an impact on global warming in a two-way, in the first place by the massive use of an unsustainable resource such as the use of tropical forests, and secondly by emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The use of polluting fuel and technologies for cooking, heating and lighting harms human health and the environment. Access to and long-term use of clean energy is essential for reducing air pollution, combating climate change and ensuring equitable development.  The situation is particularly worrying in sub-Saharan Africa, in the interior of Africa, in the large river basins of the Congo River, Niger, Senegal and at the head of the Nile. These regions are home to the greatest biodiversity on the planet, especially in the vast jungles of the Congo Basin. The Congo Basin (French: Bassin du Congo) is the sedimentary basin of the Congo River. The Congo Basin is in Central Africa, in a region known as west equatorial Africa. The Congo Basin has been inhabited by humans for more than 50,000 years and it provides food, fresh water and shelter to more than 75 million people. Congo Basin countries rely more on wood-based biomass to meet their energy needs than most other countries in the world. Wood fuel production is increasing in Congo Basin countries.


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